Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So ive been away for a while, ive been stressed out lately at work and home so much that I can barley catch my own breath. I feel like no matter how hard I try to clean or keep things neat and tidy at home it never stays that way for long, I like to put the blame on our 2 dogs and 2 cats for getting into EVERYTHING and all the shedding that takes place but in reality I get lazy and end up making little piles around the house and then the little piles turn into bigger ones and before I know it its completely overwhelming. At work there as been so much paper work lately I don’t know where it all came from because its never been like this before, I try to catch up but when I turn around I just have another huge stack its like a never ending war and I swear im about to throw up my white flag.

I think I need to work on making a list of things I want done and to take care of and maybe work on one thing at a time, my mom always tells me this but I hate to think that she could be right ; ) so I tend to ignore her but usually end up wising up sooner or later.

Enough about being overwhelmed and negative. This weekend was busy and fun and a nice change to get my mind off of all my stupid problems. Saturday Carson and I went to his schools Halloween Carnival in Topanga Canyon and first let me say that Topanga is such a cool small little community, I just love it! So we went there and at first it was so hot and we had to set up our "touch and feel" booth with this thick black plastic that I swear made it like a sweat room....a few hours past and all the little kids started showing up in there adorable costumes and I couldn’t help but be so so happy, I love seeing how excited all the kids get about everything from candy to there friends costumes to the "spooky haunted forest" overall it was a great time. After that we went home and showered then headed off to a birthday party where Carson had done a piece of art, it was interesting to say the least....we almost left after being there for only 10min but ended up staying and had a really great time. I entertained myself just by watching everyone else, and it was a lot of fun. We ended up having Carson’s friends stay the night at our house and didn’t go to bed until around 3 leaving me very tired on Sunday because im a grandma and usually go to bed around 9 or 10 ( I know ). Sunday we spent relaxing and just hanging out, we rented Coralline to get more into the Halloween spirit and Carson made some popcorn it was a good way to end the weekend and get ready for Monday.

So after the longest post ever, if anyone has made it this far here are a couple pictures from this weekend. Don’t get excited I forgot my camera so there from my blackberry and there aren’t many.

carson's sailor outfit at the carnival

I look stupid but whatever, I was a lame indian

carson made me popcorn and put it in my tiger mug : )

they had these chips at the carnival and they were really good tasted like pringles except less salty, I really wish I could find them to buy more.

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